Cybersecurity threats: are you aware?

White Hat Hackers
4 min readJun 9, 2021


By Philippe FUNK

Date 06.06.2021

A cybersecurity threat is termed as a spiteful action that normally seeks to damage data, stealing data, and disrupting digital life in broad. Most bouts that are involved in the disruption of data entail computer viruses, data breaches, and denial of service attacks. Cyber-attacks are typically launched against us via cyberspace, which is an implicit scope that does not exist and has become a simile to assist us to understand digital weaponry designed to harm us. Most cyberattacks are mere nuisances in which they can seriously threaten the livelihood of an individual. On several occasions, this cyber-attack can cause electrical blackouts, flop of military facilities, and infringements of national security secrets. As a result, valuables may be stolen, and sensorial data, such as medical records, may be lost. Additionally, cyber-attacks can disrupt phone and computer networks and be able to paralyze systems that make data unavailable. These threats are growing more seriously in daily operations. According to Gartner, he says that cybersecurity risks pervade every institution, and they aren’t always under IT direct control (Bradshaw, 2015).

Cybersecurity threats normally come in three broad divisions of intent. The attackers primarily conduct attacks for financial gain and disruption espionage, such as corporate espionage in which patents are stolen. Ideally, every cyber threat falls into one of these three modes. In terms of attack techniques, malicious actors have an affluence of options. The most common cyber threats entail:

Malware is software that can perform a malicious task on a target device or network, and it results in corrupting data and taking over the system. Secondly, is Phishing, which is an email attack that involves tricking the email recipient into disclosing their confidential details. Another threat involves the Trojans, which are named after the Trojan horse of ancient Greek history. This type of malware can enter a target system looking like one thing, for instance, a standard piece of software, but when it enters the system, it lets out the malicious code to the host system. Additionally, we have ransomware, which is an attack that involves encrypting data on the target conformity and necessitating a ransom in the bourse for permitting the user to have access to the data again. These attacks normally range from low-level infractions to more serious occurrences like locking the entire city data system. For instance, in 2018 the ransomware attacked Atlanta’s municipal government data which led to a total shutdown of all operations in the city (Bradshaw, 2015).

Further, there is a denial-of-service attack in which the attacker takes over many emblems and uses them to entreat the duties of a target system. For instance, the attacks take over the websites, causing them to shatter from an overload of demands. Another threat involves the attacks on IoT devices whereby IoT devices like industrial sensors are subjected to cyber threats which entails taking over the devices to make them part of a DDoS attack and gaining unapproved admittance to data being collected by the devices. Lastly, we have malware on mobile apps. These devices are exposed to malware attacks just like computer hardware since the intruders may implant malware in-app downloads or on mobile websites. Once imperiled, a mobile device can give spiteful actors admittance to personal data, location data, and personal financial records (Bradshaw, 2015).

There are several surfacing cyber fulminations since the threats are never static. Millions are being created every year. Most perils comprehend some conventional formations, although they are becoming more and more effective. For instance, there are new coevals of zero-day threats that can surprise defenses since they carry no detectable digital stamps. There is another threat that is emerging which the experts term as an advanced persistent threat.

There are several sources of cybersecurity threats that come from a diversity of places, people, and contexts they entail; individuals that create attack vectors using their software tools. Secondly, threats emerge from criminal organizations that are run like enterprises with large numbers of employees emerging attack vectors and executing attacks. Thirdly, most attacks come from nation-states, terrorist groups, and some organized crime groups.

Since the start of the corona pandemic, there has been a fourfold increase in cybersecurity complaints, with the world estimated to lose up to $1 trillion by 2020. From the report, they indicated that catching cybercriminals was almost nil. As a result, businesses must be aware of the threats and be able to secure sensitive data and avoid data breaches. In 2020, it was reported that social engineering contributed to a third of the breaches of which 90% were phishing. Social engineering attacks entail phishing emails, scareware quid pro duo, and other techniques which normally manipulate human psychology. To prevent such kinds of attacks, enterprises are supposed to implement zero standing privileges, whereby a user is granted access privileges for one particular task, and it lasts for only the time needed to complete the task given. As a result of the increasing threats that are emerging from cybersecurity, the security teams are supposed to come up with strong policies to be able to respond to cybersecurity challenges. Secondly, they are supposed to enforce effective communication of the policies to the entire workforce and be able to train their employees on how to respond in instances of those emerging threats.


Bradshaw, Gartner, S. (2015). Combating Cyber Threats: CSIRTs and Fostering International Cooperation on Cybersecurity. SSRN Electronic Journal.

Interorganizational Information Sharing: Collaboration during Cybersecurity Threats. (2021), 105–122.

van der Ham, J. (2021). Towards a better understanding of “Cybersecurity”. Digital Threats: Research And Practice.



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